Main Photographer/ Editor

I've taken pictures for as long as I can remember. From a disposable Kodak to a point-and-shoot to my smart phone then finally to a professional camera.
I spent the majority of the 2020 lockdown learning how to take better pictures through better techniques, settings on my camera I didn't know about before, how to edit better, how to pose, etc.
I found my true passion.
They say a picture is worth 1000 words. I'd say at least half of those are just emotions. Every time I pick up my camera, I aim to document the heart and soul of my subject. Whether it's family photoshoots, professional headshots, racing events, landscape, or art work, each subject deserves to have their story told. Let me be the one to tell your story. 
Secondary Photographer/ Videographer/ Assistant/ Writer

The G in the name. 
Ginni is my wife, my rock, the one behind the scenes that makes everything I do possible. She's always been supportive and pushed me to do whatever it takes to achieve my dreams. None of this would be possible without her. She went from being in front of my camera to being behind her own when she started taking pictures of the kids at home during the 2020 lockdown and fell in love with it.
Photographers in Training

The E and S in the name.
The reasons I try so hard.
Elena was born in June of 2018.
Santiago was born in February of 2020.
They've grown up being photographed. Now that they're older, they've started to fall in love with taking pictures themselves.
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